Psychometric tests are done to check the mental ability, aptitude and personality of a person. It is used by various companies while hiring employees for their respective firms. With this they decide and choose the brilliant candidate with excellent personality and mental wellness and problem solving capacity of the extreme level. Thus in getting a job at a high level company one must be able to cope up with the questions that the recruiting authority will put forth. Behavior is also considered while doing so. One must be able to answer quickly and attentiveness also plays an important role. So in the following text, we shall look at what psychometric tests are and how they are done. And how the improvement in the psychometric test can be achieved. And how Ayurveda is helpful. Let’s check out !!
Psychometric tests aimed to measure the aspect of mental ability, aptitude and personality of an individual. It is basically used as a part of a selection or recruitment process. This helps the recruiters or employers to select candidates who are best for the post they are recruiting for or for the promotion of a candidate. Psychometric tests provide information to the employers about how a person is going to perform his/her tasks, how the person is going to work with a team, how a person is going to cope up with stress, ability to cope with the intellectual demand of a task. Psychometric tests give details about a person’s mental and emotional level. Let’s see how psychometric tests are done or perform with some other related stuff !!

Why are Psychometric Tests Used?
Psychometric tests are not used alone but with additional tools that companies used to get the best candidate out of the crowd. Psychometric tests are objective in nature that have a certain answer, which restricts biased entry of a candidate. Moreover there are many things that psychometric tests do check other attributes like critical thinking, motivation, personality and intelligence. Psychometric tests are low cost tests thus adding to value for money when screening a large number of candidates. They’re doing well in selection processes and thus are going to be helpful in future.
Some Famous Psychometric Tests Are
- 16 PF
- Belbin team role inventory
- The johari window
- OPQ32
- Picture Frustration Test
- Thematic Apperception Tests
- Firo-B etc.
The Five Factors Model
This is the basis of many tests. The following personality traits are used.
- Openness
- Conscientiousness
- Extraversion
- Agreeableness
- Neuroticism
1. Openness
It is a personality trait which expresses the quality of being honest and ready to talk about one’s feelings.
2. Conscientiousness
It is a personality trait which reflects the quality of wishing to do one’s work or duty well and thoroughly.
3. Extraversion
It is a broad personality trait that encompasses a number of more specific characteristics such as sociability, assertiveness, high activity level, positive emotions, and impulsivity.
4. Agreeableness
It is a personality trait which demonstrates itself in behavioral features that are viewed as sympathetic, warm, cooperative and kind about an individual. It shows an individual’s difference in social harmony and cooperativeness.
5. Neuroticism
It is a fundamental personality trait. Neuroticism is the trait placement to experience negative effects,depression, self consciousness, emotional instability, anxiety and anger.
6. 16 PF
It attempts to determine the underlying personality. It is questionnaire based. It analise 16 personality factors or traits.
7. Aptitude and Ability Tests
These tests are done to assess one’s logical reasoning and thinking ability. It is usually assessed through multiple choice question answers. Limited time is given to the sitting candidate who is attempting the test. It results in how many questions a candidate solves a general questionnaire within a fixed time. It gives a view about a candidate’s ability and his mindfulness. There are types of ability and aptitude tests namely – verbal reasoning, numeric reasoning, abstract reasoning, spatial reasoning, mechanical reasoning, data checking, work sampling.
How can Ayurveda Help in Improving The Psychometric Tests’ Score ?
As we now have discussed what psychometric tests are and why they are performed. So it becomes important that one should achieve a good score in the psychometric tests aiming to get a desired job or the position the tests are being conducted for. In order to improve the basic reasoning and ti enhance memory and as well to boost intellect and to perform better in aptitude tests. And how to cope up with the stress conditions. Let’s know what Ayurveda has got to serve !!
In this particular field Ayurveda has a lot to offer. There are various herbs mentioned in the Ancient Texts that act upon the brain, thus calming the mind. Moreover there are herbs which are known as medhya which helps in enhancing memory. We shall discuss these herbs.
Acharya Charak has mentioned herbs that are medhya. These are Mandukaparni (Centella asiatica), Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis).
Other herbs include Aindri (Bacopa monnieri), Jyotishmati (Celastrus paniculata), Kushmanda (Benincasa hispida), Vacha (Acorus calamus) and Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi).
1. Mandukaparni (Centella asiatica)
It is found in India and Sri Lanka above 200 feet and also found near water bodies and banks of the running water. It is medhya. It enhances memory. It increases retention of the memory. It increases determination power. It also calms the mind. Thus it is beneficial in promoting good results in psychometric tests.
Juice of mandukaparni can be consumed.
Dosage : 10-20 ml.
2. Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
It is found in Egypt, Arabian peninsula, Turkistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Russia, South Europe, minor Asia. It makes the thinking rational. It is helpful in various neurological ailments. As it aids the mind’s productivity thus is helpful in personality development. It can improve results in psychometric tests.
Used part : root.
Dosage : 3-5 grams of powder should be taken with milk.
3. Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)
It is found in all over India upto height of 1000 feet.
It possesses intelligence and learning enhancing properties. Thus it is advantageous for people who find themselves in learning problems.
Used part : stem
Dosage : decoction 50-100 ml ; powder – 3-6 grams ; extract (satva) – 1-2 grams.
4. Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis)
It is found all over India , mostly in stony areas. It promotes intellect. It provides energy to the brain and the nervous system.thus it is useful in neurological disorders. It calms the mind and brain. It is helpful in the condition of insomnia. It is used in maniacs and epilepsy disorders. It is the best herb for promoting intellect as per Acharya Charaka. It should be taken if someone is going to appear in psychometric tests.
All parts of the plant should be consumed after making a paste.
Dosage : 10-20g paste.
5. Aendri (Bacopa monnieri)
It is found all over India upto 4000 feet in moist climatic conditions. It is medhya thus helps in promoting intellect and boosting memory. It has anticonvulsant properties thus it is useful in convulsions due to any disorder. It can be used in improving psychometric tests’ scores.
Juice of all parts of Aindri can be consumed.
Dosage : 10-20 ml.
6. Jyotishmati (Celastrus paniculata)
It is found in all parts of India but particularly in Punjab, Kashmir . It is also found in Sri Lanka, Malaysia and the Philippines. It is medhya. It is ushna (hot potency) thus makes it useful in increasing grasping capacity. It gives energy/power to nerves. Thus helps as a nervous tonic. It also relaxes the mind. Thus it is beneficial for betterment in psychometric tests.
Used parts are seed and oil.
Dosage : Seed 1-2 grams ; oil 5-15 drops.
7. Kushmanda (Benincasa hispida)
It is found everywhere in India. It enhances memory and intellect. It is best used in dementia. It acts as a tonic for the nervous system. It is used in psychological disorders. It gives strength to the nerves. Thus it is beneficial for those who are looking to improve one’s result in psychometric tests.
Used parts : fruits, seed and seed oil.
Dosage : fruit – 10-20 grams ; seed powder – 3-6 grams ; seed oil – 5-10 ml.
8. Vacha (Acorus calamus)
It is found near banks of rivers and waterfalls. It is found in India and Sri Lanka particularly in Kashmir, Manipur and Nagaland. Vacha is medhya thus promotes intellect. It serves as resuscitative. It also helps in convulsions because of its anticonvulsant property. Thus It is used in mind related disorders. As it enhances intellect it can help in scoring good in psychometric tests.
Part used : root.
Dosage : 125-50 mg.
9. Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi)
It is found above 11000 to 17000 feet above the sea level usually found in the Upper Himalayas. It is also an intellect booster. It also calms the mind. Thus it can also be used in improving scores in psychometric tests.
Used part : root.
Dosage : 2-4 grams.
Other than these single herbs, there are many available rasayana formulations. Which are generally gem-like. These are really beneficial for boosting memory and enhancing intellect. It also polishes the personality of a person. Furthermore these are really important for the rejuvenation of the body cells. It has anti-aging properties. These contain antioxidants which fight aging signs. In addition to this there are other various benefits like boosting immunity etc.
Following Are Some Rasayana Available
- Brahma rasayana
- Chyawanprash
- Amalaki rasayana
- Haritakyadi rasayana
- Nagbala rasayana
- Lohadi rasayana
- Aindra rasayana
- Pippali rasayana
- Triphala rasayana
Achara Rasayana
A person who is truthful, calm, who is not violent, speaks politely to everyone, who believes in God and prays, who is pure, is patience, a giver, who serves the elders, teachers, parents, who is not cruel, who is kind, follows proper sleep and awake pattern, who is not egoistic, who is not conservative, who stays in the company of elderly, optimistic and person who have good control over his desires, and who is into knowing the religious tests. A person with these properties should assume that he is taking rasayana everyday. Thus gets benefits of all the rasayana.
Rasayana upgrades memory and intellect. Also beneficial in refining the personality of a person. Hence everyone should consume rasayana daily. Most importantly the one who is looking to achieve good results in one’s psychometric tests.
From the above discussion it is clear that as the population is increasing, the competition at every level and every field has drastically soar. From a small to large level recruitment drive, aptitude tests, psychometric tests and personality tests are taken. Thus it becomes vital to achieve good results in the tests. In order to achieve good results and improve results, there are no other beneficial remedies other than Ayurveda. Our Acharayas/Masters have mentioned the perfect herbs who provide the best in promoting intellect and overall personality development. These herbs are known as medhya. Moreover there are rasayanas who are ideal for mental well being. These are also helping in psychological disorders. Thus Ayurveda has impressive herbs which polishes up the personality of a person in every aspect.

Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD – Ayurveda) is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. He is Author of the Book “Ayurveda – God’s Manual For Healing”. He is an Ayurveda Expert Serving People worldwide through all the Possible Mediums, Operating from Main Branch in Mohali, India. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments. He is Serving the Society with Purest Herbal Supplements for One and only Purpose of Making People know and utilize the Wonderful Benefits of the Ayurvedic Diet, Lifestyle, and Natural Herbs. He Formulates Herbal Supplements himself and also Use Classical Ayurvedic Formulations for Helping People Get Rid of All Types of Health Issues, Restore their Health, Uses and Save themselves from the Worst Side-effects of Chemical Based Treatments. For More Details, visit www.PlanetAyurveda.com.