Underweight is as serious a problem as being obese is a problem, some people are naturally very skinny even without any health problem or disease, but still, even after having a skinny body, they are underweight.
But underweight is considered to be a big problem, as with the surveys and studies it shows a greater risk of early deaths in men and women who are underweight. The percentage of deaths in men who are underweight is 140% and the percentage in women is 100%. If we compare this toll of percentage in deaths by being obese and overweight that is 50% that means being underweight is a more dangerous problem than being overweight.
If we analyze the data of deaths in men and women, the deaths with underweight in men are more than women who are underweight; it indicates that being underweight is worse in men than women.

The immune system of an underweight person weakens due to which he/she is prone to diseases, it also affects the way the body is dealing with infections, as being underweight can lead to fertility problems and risk of osteoporosis and fractures
Studies prove that people suffering from the problem of the overweight are at risk of Dementia which is directly associated with your brain and memory and Sarcopenia, due to which your muscles are getting exhausted
Reasons for being thin and underweight:
People suffering from infections are prone to lose weight in an unhealthy manner. The infections of HIV/AIDS, TB (Tuberculosis)
Cancer is also one of the reasons, which sheds your weight in an unhealthy manner with no muscle mass in the body, as cancerous tumors burn lots of calories in the body of the patient.
Diabetes, when they are uncontrolled mostly in type 1 patient, tends to lose weight.
Thyroid Problems:
Hyperthyroidism which is a result of overactive thyroid which boosts metabolism hence loss of weight is the result.
Celiac disease:
It is the most dangerous form of gluten disorder as in this disease eating gluten can leads you to a problem like causing inflammation of small intestine with damage also in some cases.
How to Gain Your Weight Naturally Without Steroids
People facing the problem of underweight can gain weight by eating donuts, pizzas loaded with calories, sodas stuffed with carbonated water and chocolates also, but it is all unhealthy weight. But if you want to gain in a healthy way you have to lead a balanced lifestyle which is a mix of diet and exercise.
Gaining muscle mass and subcutaneous fat in a balanced amount is the best way to gain weight, as having more layers around your belly will be the unhealthy body rather than having a good and healthy physique.
In this article, we will try to give you the best ideas of getting healthy weight gaining tips for a better physique which will be better for you to have an overall healthy lifestyle.

Healthy foods:
For getting a better physique with balanced BMI, it’s very essential to eat healthy foods, healthy foods are the foods which have a balanced amount of calories, minerals, vitamins and fibers in it.
As for getting a healthy weight, protein is very necessary. Muscle is the base of good physique and protein is the base of muscle and without protein, most of the calories end up as fat in the body. Protein helps you in a dual way while satisfying your hunger pangs as it’s highly filling and reduces your appetite making it harder to get enough calories. Foods like eggs, nuts, legumes, dairy products, fish, etc. are the best source of protein.
People who are obese shun the carbs for losing weight but if your goal is to gain weight then you must include it in the diet. Plenty of high carbs should be added to your diet with protein. Also 3 meals are the requirement if you want to gain weight, with snacks in between whenever you feel hungry.
Make your food yummy:
Add spices, condiments to make your food tastier, as it makes you eat more. For gaining weight it is advisable to eat more, which means as much as you can easily digest also.
Healthy oils:
Avacado oil and virgin oil are preferred to include in your diet, you can spread virgin oil on salad also as per your appetite.
Whole grains that are rich in fibers and with great nutritional values should be included into the diet, whole grains like brown rice, brown bread, whole grain flour, and oats are best for gaining the weight.
Yogurt with full fat, whole milk, cheese, cow`s full-fat milk is the best options for gaining weight.
Nuts and Dried Fruits:
Many of these nuts like almond, peanuts, raisins, dates, prunes, walnuts, Macadamia nuts are some of the nuts and dry fruits very useful in gaining healthy weight.
Starches and Potatoes:
Legumes and beans, buckwheat, sweet potatoes, corn, squash, oats and other foods which contain starch.
Protein Smoothies:
Here are some of the tasty methods of getting a healthy diet which helps you gain healthy weight while at the same time giving you a tasty treat as well.
Homemade protein smoothies:
Banana nut and chocolate shake are some of the best ways to get a healthy meal for gaining weight.
Sports Drinks:
These drinks help you to have prolonged healthy workouts, which are intense as they spike your blood sugar level which leads to insulin resistance and hence gaining weight is the result which is beneficial for an underweight person.
Peanut Butter:
It’s a good option for gaining weight.
Protein Bars:
Protein bars are also recommended for gaining weight as they are the energy booster and an easy way to gain weight.
Gain Your Weight Naturally Without Steroids. We try to advise a person who is keen to gain weight that he should opt for healthy ways to gain a good physique with a good option of diet rather than gaining weight with junks and an unhealthy diet.

Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD – Ayurveda) is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. He is Author of the Book “Ayurveda – God’s Manual For Healing”. He is an Ayurveda Expert Serving People worldwide through all the Possible Mediums, Operating from Main Branch in Mohali, India. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments. He is Serving the Society with Purest Herbal Supplements for One and only Purpose of Making People know and utilize the Wonderful Benefits of the Ayurvedic Diet, Lifestyle, and Natural Herbs. He Formulates Herbal Supplements himself and also Use Classical Ayurvedic Formulations for Helping People Get Rid of All Types of Health Issues, Restore their Health, Uses and Save themselves from the Worst Side-effects of Chemical Based Treatments. For More Details, visit www.PlanetAyurveda.com.