Why you should be eating enough fiber every day
How fiber stimulates digestion, regulates bowel movements, increases micro nutrient consumption and decreases appetite.
How fiber stimulates digestion, regulates bowel movements, increases micro nutrient consumption and decreases appetite.
You can change your sleeping habits by doing certain exercises at the right times of the day. I examine how exercise improved my own sleeping patterns.
Find the right balance between what is easy and what will have the most impact to make changes that are not only do-able, but have a lasting impact.
Caffeine stimulates your body’s energy production and helps it to reduce fat by turning it into energy. Learn what happens when you stop consuming caffeine.
Follow these tips to help your brain recover from mental stress and perform at its best. Invest in your mental health to increase mental performance.
How cold showers will speed up metabolism, increase energy levels, help to burn fat, improve immunity and fight against depression.
Calories are the measure of how much energy a food contains. Your body uses these calories as energy and stores the excess as fat. Successful weight loss and living a healthy lifestyle is strongly connected to the balance between increasing caloric output (exercise) and maintaining the right caloric input (eating less to lose weight or…