Being a mother is a blessing, this is a special power god has given to the ladies. But it comes with great responsibility. You have to think about yourself along with that about the new life developing in your womb. Our acharya has mentioned a detailed list of things from the day of conception till the birth of the baby, even also the post partum care of both mother and new born baby. So let’s discuss that in detail.

In our ancient text, detailed explanations of changes a woman experienced during her pregnancy were available.
1. Signs/ Symptoms of Sadyograhit Garbha( Immediately Conceived Woman)

There is presence of following symptoms
- Nisthivika (repeated vomiting)
- Gaurav (heaviness)
- Angsaad (fatigue)
- Tandra (sleepy)
- Praharsh (goose bumps)
- Haridya vyatha (pain in cardiac region)
- Tripti (fullness)
2. Signs / Symptoms of Vyakta Garbha (After Origin of Body Parts of Embryo)

- Satnyo krishanmukhta( blackening of areola)
- Romraji udgansthta(development of linea nigra)
- Increased blinking of eyelids
- Emesis without any cause
- She doesn’t like good odor
- Increased salivation
- Lassitude (tiredness)
In our classical reference books the detailed explanation of dietary and lifestyle schedules a pregnant lady needs to follow for giving birth to newborn via normal delivery was available. They are as follow:
Garbha Sathapak Herbs (Drugs Beneficial for Maintenance of Pregnancy)
- Aendri (Centella asiatica)
- Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)
- Shatvirya (Asparagus racemosus)
- Amogha (Stereospermum suaveolens)
- Arishta (Azadirachta indica)
Ideal Monthly Dietary Regime for 9 Months of Pregnancy
- During the first Month of Conception – there is still doubt whether it has been conceived or not so she should take non-medicated milk repeatedly in desired quantity according to the strength of digestive power. According to some ancient acharya’s -Sweet, cold and liquid diet should be taken from the first to third month.
- In the Second Month of Pregnancy – Drink medicated milk with madhura drugs or sweetened milk.
- In the Third Month- Consume milk with honey or ghrita. Sweet, cold and liquid diet especially cooked “shastik rice” with milk.
- 4th Month i.e. there is onset of second trimester of pregnancy – Eat butter extracted from milk or milk with butter.
- During Fifth Month of Pregnancy – Intake ghrita prepared with butter extracted from milk. Rice cooked with milk or meat of wild animals.
- In the Sixth Month of Pregnancy – Intake ghrita or rice medicated with gokshura (Tribulus terrestris) or follow the same diet as in the fifth month.
- In the Seventh Month of Pregnancy- Consume ghrita medicated with herbs or can follow the same regime as of sixth month.
- In the Eighth Month of Pregnancy- Acharya charaka says that rice prepared with milk and mixed with ghrita should be given. Some other ancient acharya says that- asthapana basti (evacuating enema) should be given for clearing the retained feces and vata dosha from the anal route. After this it should be followed by use of anuvasana basti (another type of enema) in which oil medicated with herbs should be given by anal route.
- The Last Month of Pregnancy (9th Month) – Use of ‘anuvasana basti’ (enema with oil) with medicated oil like that in the eighth month should be given to the patient. Vaginal tampons of this same medicated oil should be used for lubrication of the vaginal canal so that it facilitates normal vaginal delivery.
Benefits of This Dietary Regime
It helps in normal development of the fetus, helps pregnant lady to remain healthy and fit throughout this total period and also aid in normal growth of the developing fetus and she delivers the child possessing good health, energy and strength via normal vaginal delivery.
Other Points to Be Considered In Lifestyle
- Pregnant women should avoid the use of harsh / excessive exercise and coitus.
- Use of excessive heavy, hot and pungent substances need to be stopped.
- She should not wear red garments to protect herself from the effects of gods and demons. This point holds a slight mythological view.
- From the day of conception she should totally give up on coitus, excessive emaciation, sleeping during day time and awakening at nights.
- Keep yourself away from riding on a vehicle, squatting or posture that possesses sitting in “uduk asana” (sitting on your hamstrings muscle with sole of feet touching the ground).
- Excessive massage of oil should not be done, try to save yourself from fatigue and restlessness.
Some Useful ‘Yoga Asana’ for a pregnant lady to be follow are
1. Kon asana (To Raise Your one Arm up)
How to Perform it
- Stand on you’re both the feet by keeping your legs apart from each other.
- Raise your one arm up while breathing in slowly and deeply now rotate your arm from behind and exhale the breath out.
- This rotation of the arm is a must to perform as it helps in maintaining proper blood circulation within the body.
- Help in relaxing your body very well.
- Make breast tissue firm and relieve pain.
2. Parvat Asana (Mountain Pose)
How to Perform it
- Sit in sukh asana (normal sitting posture by crossing both the legs together), mow move you’re both the arms in upward direction and hold both hands together by placing fingers of each hand in one another.
- Now start inhaling slowly and deeply, bring your arms back to downward direction by exhaling slowly.
- Repeat it twice as per your strength. Don’t try to do it harshly.
- Good calmative asana to relax your complete body.
- Help in relieving mental stress.
In the classical text detailed reference of signs and symptoms a pregnant lady undergoes when she is in labor pain (onset of first stage of labor) has been mentioned, by analyzing them, there are some points she needs to follow to deliver a healthy baby via normal vaginal delivery (NVD). They are as follow :
Symptoms Prior to Labor (Delivery)
- Kalamo gatranam (Exhaustion of the body parts)
- Galanirannasya (Tiredness on the face)
- Aksano shaithilya (laxity in the eyes)
- Vimukta bandhnatav vaksh (she feels like a burden is removed from her chest)
- Kuksherv sransnam (slight ache in the pelvis region)
- Adho gurutvam (heaviness in the lower parts)
- Pain in the groin, perineum, waist, belly, sides and back.
- Discharge from the vagina
- Lack of interest in eating food.
- Starting of labor pain and outburst of amniotic fluid.
Points to be followed during this Stage
- At the onset of labor pain a bed should be prepared on the ground covered with soft bedding on which ask the lady to sit on.
- If in spite of having labor pain, she does not deliver, ask her to get up, take one of the stick or wooden planks and start pounding grains from it with slow pace, take a deep breath and move in between every act.
She should be Advice to Take
- Powder of kustha, ela, langali, vacha, chitraka, chirbilva herbs to smell them by nostril.
- Smoke of the leaves of ‘bhurja’ and ‘simsapa’ need to be inhaled, in between that massage with lukewarm oil in the region of waist, side of back and legs. By these manipulations the fetus moves in downward direction.
- When she feels that the fetus is leaving the cardiac region and entering the lower part of the abdomen, pains are getting intensified and the fetus is moving downward toward the vaginal canal- ask her to strain and along with that a lady will recite some holy mantra on her ears, so that it will help her to expel the fetus out.
- Ask her to not strain until the pain appears because who does so her efforts goes in vain, along with that her progeny might become deformed and afflicted with dyspnoea, cough etc. she should strain accordingly means initially it should be mild then gradually increase with stronger efforts.
Now we can conclude that by following these above mentioned dietary regime and lifestyle modifications that had been mentioned in our ancient classical text, will definitely help a pregnant lady to deliver a healthy baby via normal delivery. You can also visit the “Planet Ayurveda” website where blogs of Dr.Vikram Chauhan sir are available that will prove very much helpful or either you can directly send your query on our official email id-herbalremedies@yahho.com

Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD – Ayurveda) is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. He is Author of the Book “Ayurveda – God’s Manual For Healing”. He is an Ayurveda Expert Serving People worldwide through all the Possible Mediums, Operating from Main Branch in Mohali, India. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments. He is Serving the Society with Purest Herbal Supplements for One and only Purpose of Making People know and utilize the Wonderful Benefits of the Ayurvedic Diet, Lifestyle, and Natural Herbs. He Formulates Herbal Supplements himself and also Use Classical Ayurvedic Formulations for Helping People Get Rid of All Types of Health Issues, Restore their Health, Uses and Save themselves from the Worst Side-effects of Chemical Based Treatments. For More Details, visit www.PlanetAyurveda.com.