Seasonal Allergies also are known as Hay Fever or Allergic Rhinitis are very common during the spring and fall seasons. Whenever Pollen count (from fresh grass, blooming trees, flowers, and weeds) goes up , the immune system releases histamines and at times the body overreacts to non-harmful substances leading to itchy, watery eyes, runny nose, sore or scratchy throat, dizziness, headache, mood swings, low blood pressure, chest tightness, cough and difficulty in breathing.
In case of severing allergy symptoms, it is good to consult a doctor, but most seasonal allergies can be controlled without the use of medications. There are a number of natural allergy relief remedies that can help ease the symptoms.
Apple Cider Vinegar:
- Apple Cider Vinegar is an excellent home remedy to help reduce mucus production and clean the lymphatic system. It soothes the bronchial walls and lungs and causes the phlegm to break down.
- ACV helps to boost the immune system and enable the body to treat and cure allergies successfully.
- It is recommended to add a spoon of Apple Cider Vinegar to warm water and drink the solution first thing in the morning. Honey may be added to it for taste.
- Quercetin is naturally found in plant foods mostly in cruciferous vegetables like onion, broccoli and cauliflower.
- Quercetin is a bioflavonoid that control release of histamines and help to naturally control allergy.
Vitamin C:
- It is advised to increase the intake of Vitamin C during summer and spring months as Vitamin C aids in fighting seasonal allergies by boosting the immune system and reducing inflammation.
- Vitamin C contains powerful antioxidants that prevent the formation of antihistamine.
- Citrus fruits like grapes, oranges, grapefruit lemons, papaya, bell peppers, broccoli, strawberries, kiwi, pineapples and cantaloupe are a good source of Vitamin C.
- They can energize and refresh the body.
- Vitamin C supplements may also be taken.
- Raw Honey is also a good source of Vitamin C. Lemons and limesare highly beneficial to boost immunity.
- They have vitamin C and antioxidants. One needs to drink lemon water to detoxify the body. One can mix lemon juice with olive oil and use in salads.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids:
- Omega 3 fatty acids are naturally anti-inflammatory. The best sources of Omega 3 are sardines, salmon, flax seeds and walnuts.
- These should be included in the diet on regular basis. Diet rich in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids needs to be taken.
- This fights inflammation as wells as allergens. They help the body produce chemicals called prostaglandins which block the body’s production of histamine.
- They are found in krill oil, walnuts, eggs, flaxseeds, sesame seeds, safflower seeds.
Essential Oils
- Essential Oils are a proven remedy to treat all kinds of allergy symptoms at home. Mint oils and the heat from the mint tea helps to relax airways and make breathing easier. Lavender, Eucalyptus, Rose or Peppermint essential oils may be used to overcome allergy symptoms.
- One may diffuse eucalyptus and Rose Essential oils into the air and inhale it either by applying it to a tissue or cotton wick. Oil extracted from the leaves of the Eucalyptus tree has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
- Few drops of Lavender and Peppermint Essential oil may be mixed and applied to the sinuses and bottom of feet for a speedy recovery.
Nasal Rinse
- Nasal Rinse can clean mucus from the nose and easy allergy symptoms to some extent. It takes out any bacteria in the nose.
- One can mix salt with baking soda in warm water and rinse the nose with it. Saline sprays can also be used.
- Garlicis a natural antibiotic that helps in fighting infections, viruses, and allergies. It can be taken in raw form to boost the immune system.
- Ginger is a natural antihistamine. It also contains immune-enhancing properties. It works great in removing phlegm and helping with chest congestion. One can prepare ginger tea with some honey and lemon and take it daily.
Coconut oil
- Coconut oil helps in improving digestion by soothing the gut lining and promoting the growth of good bacteria.
- It kills off bad bacteria and reduces the overproduction of histamine.
- It should be consumed daily as 2 teaspoons.
Peppermint tea acts as decongestant and expectorant, it breaks up mucus and helps in clearing the nose and throat.
Green tea
- Green teahas antioxidant properties that inhibit allergic reactions. For all those prone to seasonal allergies, an anti-inflammatory, alkaline diet is highly recommended.
- This includes more of green leafy vegetables, lemons, probiotic foods, gluten-free grains etc. One should always stay hydrated to fight allergies.
- The more water you can drink, the better you are going to feel. Increase intake of, soups, teas, broth, and juices.
- This helps in thinning the mucus in the nasal passage and helps in relieving allergy symptoms
- Acupuncture is a good option to help with nasal allergies relief.
Allergies are due to hypersensitivity of the immune system that can cause a damaging response and affect the whole body. It is suggested that one should do at least 30 minutes workout or exercise daily as exercise produces an anti-inflammatory effect in the nasal passage and reduces allergy symptoms naturally.
All refined, processed, sugary foods, containing yeast should be avoided as they feed the bad bacteria in our bodies and suppress the growth of good bacteria. All mucus forming foods should be avoided like milk products even chocolates
Along with home remedies, it is always advised for those prone to seasonal allergies to keep the windows and doors closed to protect the indoor air. It is recommended to install a HEPA filter on the air conditioning system and a flat or panel filter on the furnace. Wearing a mask, washing hands every time when you come home from outside.

Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD – Ayurveda) is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. He is Author of the Book “Ayurveda – God’s Manual For Healing”. He is an Ayurveda Expert Serving People worldwide through all the Possible Mediums, Operating from Main Branch in Mohali, India. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments. He is Serving the Society with Purest Herbal Supplements for One and only Purpose of Making People know and utilize the Wonderful Benefits of the Ayurvedic Diet, Lifestyle, and Natural Herbs. He Formulates Herbal Supplements himself and also Use Classical Ayurvedic Formulations for Helping People Get Rid of All Types of Health Issues, Restore their Health, Uses and Save themselves from the Worst Side-effects of Chemical Based Treatments. For More Details, visit